Helena Sanchez Reading Think & Grow Rich
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Toni Robbins Business Mastery

This is my story…

Never let go of your dreams!

In November 2019, 37 years of age, I was at the lowest point in my life.

I quit my job, I was going through a divorce, and I had to move from one country to another.

I had no clearly defined goals or a vision of the future.

I lack confidence, self-steam, I was stressed, afraid and lost.

I had been wondering, my entire life, is there something bigger, is there something more than the life I am living?

Then, one day…

The book, Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill, changed my life, at a Tony Robbins event.

I hear that Bob Proctor had the most powerful Coaching Program on the market, called Thinking into Results, a proven system based on over 75 years of research, a Coaching Program that even Tony Robbins had studied with Bob Proctor as his Mentor.

In December 2019, a made a decision.

I also wanted to be Mentored by Bob Proctor and I also wanted to study Thinking into Results.

When I met Bob Proctor, he asked me, Helena what do you really want?

He said, don’t think about what you think you can have, think about what you want to get out of life!

If you believed you could absolutely do whatever you wanted, be whoever you wanted, what would you love doing? How would you spend your life?

By February 2020, my goals were already accomplished.

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Tony Robbins Business Mastery

My Experience

Helena Sanchez Holding Think & Grow Rich
• Former Software Engineer.
• Corporate Trainer for over 10 years.
• Certified Professional Life Coach.
• I hit rock-bottom.
• I made a decision.
• I needed a radical change.
• I wanted Bob Proctor as my Mentor.
• I wanted TIR as my Coaching Program.
• I knew exactly what I wanted and why.
• Mentored by Bob Proctor.
• Coached by Tony Robbins.
• Student of Dr. Joe Dispenza.
• MCC Coach, Mentor and TIR Consultant.
• Founder & CEO of Love[now]More Coaching.
• I am happy, healthy, and wealthy.
• I am independent, determined and very confident.
• I am living an extraordinary life.
• I love the woman I have become.
• I do what I love doing.
• I make my dreams come true, daily.

Think of this...

When you are going ahead the only thing you can measure is what you are giving up, but what about what’s coming? … Your Dreams!

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Think of this...

When you are going ahead the only thing you can measure is what you are giving up, but what about what’s coming? … Your Dreams!

All queries are replied within 24hrs.

My Mentors

Mentors helped me ...

Napoleon Hill &
Earl Nightingale

Andrew Carnegie’s great challenge to the young reporter Napoleon Hill to discern a formula for success fuelled Hill’s creation of the famous book Think and Grow Rich.

Napoleon Hill accepted the challenge and in 1937 published the original version of “Think and Grow Rich”, the best book on Personal and Professional Transformation.

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Bob Proctor

Bob Proctor

Best Mentor in the World on Personal and Professional Development.

Mentored by Earl Nightingale, Bob Proctor has changed millions of people’s lives with his teachings.

His insights, inspiration, ideas, systems and strategies are the dimes on which countless lives have spun — the sparks that have ignited career transformations, personal epiphanies, inner awakenings and the creation of million-dollar fortunes the world over.

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Toni Robbins

Best Coach in the world on business strategic innovation.

Learn with Helena, Tony Robbin’s Inner Circle Member; Tony’s key principles of strategic innovation so you can improve your business and create value that puts you ahead of your competition.

Success depends on your mindset – the only true chokehold on any business is not cash flow, but the business owner’s limited psychology or skills.

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Dr. Joe Dispenza

Dr Joe’s passion can be found at the intersection of the latest findings from the fields of neuroscienceepigenetics, and quantum physics to explore the science behind spontaneous remissions.

He uses that knowledge to teach people how to heal their bodies of health conditions, make significant changes in their lives, and evolve their consciousness.

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